Pays for itself with every additional deal you close.

No contracts, no hidden fees. All plans include a free 14-day trial. You can cancel at any time.

Simple Pricing
The basics
Room to grow
All essentials
Advanced usage
Save 10% by switching to yearly billing!
month / full user
month / technician
month / full user
month / technician
month / full user
month / technician
Get in touch
Get Started Get Started Get Started
Estimates Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Invoices Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Action Items Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Projects Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Budgets Unlimited Unlimited
Service Tickets Unlimited Unlimited
Catalog Items Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Categories Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
2-Factor Authentication
Access Groups
Credit Card Payments
ACH (E-Check) Payments
Time Tracking and Reporting
Project Calendars
Shareable Time Reports
SMS Notifications
Electronic Estimate Signing
Document Branding
Customer Service Portal
Field Visibility Customization
Custom fields
Approval Workflows
Sign Up
on starter
Sign Up
on team
Sign Up
on business

Unlimited estimates and invoices. Credit card payments. 2-factor authentication.

$25 mo. / full user
$5 mo. / technician

Everything in Starter, plus unlimited projects and action items, ACH (e-check) payments and customizable roles.

$45 mo. / full user
$9 mo. / technician

Everything in Team, plus project events, document branding and customizable access groups.

$70 mo. / full user
$14 mo. / technician

Everything in Business, plus resource scheduler, approval workflows and custom technicians.

*We do our billing through Stripe, a world-class online payments provider. We do not store credit card details.

Common Product Questions

Q: What is the difference between a full user and a technician?

Full Users can use all of the features of PriceTable, provided you grant them access. Examples include creating estimates and projects, invoicing customers and managing the product catalog and the CRM database. Technicians, on the other hand, are meant to interact with the system a more limited fashion, usually while they are out on the field or on job sites. They have access to projects they are assigned to, as well as their own schedules.

Example full users include sales and accounting staff. Example technicians include service reps and crew leaders.

Q: What do you mean by "product catalog"?

One of the most time-consuming parts of creating estimates and invoices is populating a table of pricing. Figuring out things like unit price and line totals, and typing descriptions of products and services, can easily get overwhelming.

With PriceTable, you can enter commonly used products into the Catalog. From then on, the product and all of its information will be available on any estimates and invoices you create. This can be a huge time-saver!

Q: What document branding options do you provide?

First and foremost, PriceTable allows you to upload your company logo, which will be visible on every customer-facing page and document. In addition, you can integrate your brand colors into the documents themselves, and change backdrop and background colors. This allows you to provide a consistent brand impression to your customers when you do business with them.

Q: How does the "secure electronic signatures" feature work?

When you create an estimate and email it to a customer, they can click the link in the email to open the estimate. At the bottom of the page, they will see a signature box, in which they can draw their signature using a mouse or a finger, depending on device. This works similarly to a wet signature. Once they click "Accept", that signature will then be placed into a PDF copy and emailed to them for their reference.

Q: How can I collect payments for invoices I send via PriceTable?

There are two ways to collect payments from your customers. The first method, which is the easiest one, is to connect your Stripe account (which you can create for free) to PriceTable and enable online payments on invoices. With this option enabled, when the customer opens the invoice, they will have the ability to enter their credit card information. Once the payment is processed by Stripe, PriceTable will automatically record the amount on the invoice.

Alternatively, you can choose to accept payments outside of PriceTable. In these scenarios, in order to get the invoice marked as fully paid, you will need to record the manual payment on the invoice. This can be a bit more time-consuming, but it is still an option.

Q: Can the automated email notifications be turned off?

Yes. If you find yourself getting too many automated emails from PriceTable (perhaps because you are winning a lot of business!) you can turn off the notifications.

Q: I need a few other features that are not listed above, or are listed under the Enterprise Plan.

No problem! We always develop features in close cooperation with our customers. We would love to hear from you in order to better understand your needs. Just send us an email at!

Common Billing Questions

Q: Can I sign up without a credit card?

Yes you can! Near the end of your trial period, we will send you a friendly reminder via email. At that point, you can go to your account page and enter your credit card details.

Q: Can I accept credit card payments from my customers electronically?

Yes. All you need is a Stripe account, which is very easy to set up. After that, you get the option to turn on online payments for invoices that you issue. Customers can then submit payments easily and securely. It is all handled through Stripe.

Q: What if I don't like your software?

While we are confident that won't happen, should you choose to stop using PriceTable, you can cancel your subscription at any time.

Q: Do I get refunds for canceled subscriptions?

Yes. After your trial period, you have 30 days to request a refund.